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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 10, 2018

Dragonfly whisper words of wisdom let’s it be shirt

t's sad to see this happening and unfortunately this world is full of darkness but it all has to come to pass as it has been prophesied but we should not let it trouble our hearts as it says in Luke 21:28 Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near. Useless set of peoples, I don't know why the Dragonfly whisper words of wisdom let’s it be shirt peoples reasons with their anus.the wrath of God his on same sex peoples and you shall rotten in hell fire if you die why during same sex activities. Buy it:  Dragonfly whisper words of wisdom let’s it be shirt From:

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Fight for the things you care about shirt

Love is of God and he has defined what love is. Two men or two women can't be in love. I can have love for another man which is a brotherly type of love. God does not acknowledge this as love as much as cnn pushes it. And again we see the Ruth Bader Ginsburg Fight for the things you care about shirt telling us it's a sin because the bible says so. Hey guess what it also says divorce is a sin, eating shellfish is a sin, having a tattoo is a sin, wearing clothes of different fabrics is a sin. But I bet you have done at least one of those. Buy it:  Ruth Bader Ginsburg Fight for the things you care about shirt From:

Ace Ventura Put me in coach shirt

I don't want my small children being exposed to such indecency! Not all love is the same, stop with the forcing of sinful acts and laws down our throats! Next, people will want to marry their pets or inanimate objects. Since they have agree for same sex marriage, they should also agree for them to bring birth children too to be there for the Ace Ventura Put me in coach shirt generation.. Human wisdom so foolish..God will judge us all good or bad. Begining of the end of the world.Suppose Adam n Eve were gay n lesbian who could av been in this world now.God shade light in human race n guide us to prosperity and dnt let us to destruction. Buy it:  Ace Ventura Put me in coach shirt From:

Some of us grew up listening to New Kids On The Block the cool ones still do shirt

 Whites are distroying the  Some of us grew up listening to New Kids On The Block the cool ones still do shirt   every satanic initiatives comes from them, in their so call human right how comes same sex gets married. Am praying for African leaders not to encourage this act I dnt oppose gay rights but male is not made for male and similarily female is not made for female. I am sure a time will come when they will in the need to change the laws but it will create imblanance nd disharmony in the nature. Buy it:  Some of us grew up listening to New Kids On The Block the cool ones still do shirt From:

Skull Unicorn shirt

You being gay is no more important than us being strait so where is our national straight people day or month y'all have the Skull Unicorn shirt rights as us your just trying to be special and get extra privileges no one cares if your gay just as no one cares I'm straight can the world just get over with this whole gay thing what happened to goood old lesbian or gay its that simple not all this lbgtq u either gay or lesbian or strait or bisexual quit with this non sense of being called a woman if u got nuts and being called a man of u got none and no surgery doesnt change what u are. Buy it: Skull Unicorn shirt From:

Party planning committee Christmas shirt

Gay partnerships were allowed before today, it was called legal partnerships and not marriage, the parliament will now use the same language for gay and straight marriage. That makes it easier for gay couples. There was a great discussion because many conservatives and religious groups would have preferred to have kept the religious and lawful marriages and wording different. While in the Party planning committee Christmas shirt it is legal to get married in (any) church and the government will recognize it, it is illegal in Germany to have a religious marriage before you have a legal marriage at the local town hall after their approvement. Buy it:  Party planning committee Christmas shirt From:

Anthony Bourdain shirt

the world should be careful of some of the Anthony Bourdain shirt they make. There is a godly life of God and there is also a wicked and evil life of the devil. The creator of the universe had given us the right to chose what we want. Same sex marriage is evil. Both Islam and Christian condemned it. Germany should be careful not provoke God the way some countries provoked God. Very soon Germany may legalize human and animal marriage to enable them give birth to beast. What a shame! Germany's greatness and respect has been reduced because of her delight in evil things. Buy it:  Anthony Bourdain shirt From:

Nakatomi Plaza Christmas party 1988 shirt

The purpose God have Sodom and Gomorrah wiped away from earth was that their men sleeps with men to the Nakatomi Plaza Christmas party 1988 shirt of trying to sleep with men that visited lot not knowing they were angels lot even plead with them to have his virgin daughters but they refuse. Any way these are signs of the end of days "when things that are not happening begin to happen know the end is near We are a family just like any other family. Being gay is not a sin. Hating on people that have done nothing wrong but live there life is a sin. Stop the hate. Buy it:  Nakatomi Plaza Christmas party 1988 shirt From:

HO HO HO Merry Christmas Mickey Disney shirt

Everyone here has something to say about Stephen hawking but when will we individual think of our own self when will ask the HO HO HO Merry Christmas Mickey Disney shirt do I really be beleave in the creator like those who creator mentioned in his books and if we don't then we are fooling our own self. Those whom he praised were those people whose whole life mission was to clear earth from injustice corruption lies hate unlike the world we live in today where parents are stupider then the kids where there no respect where everyone is wearing masks where depression suicide rate is sky high where drug abuse alcohol abuse killing robbing scaming is at its high where no one ask questions from there leaders and their leaders are shoving everything they believe is wright in their opinion in them. And it goes on and on no one is coming to save until you save yourself. Get it:  HO HO HO Merry Christmas Mickey Disney shirt From:

Venom and Snoopy shirt

I am a fan of Stephen Hawking, and I have this memory of viewing an interview with him when he said he believes in God. Maybe later he has also said he didn't believe, and that is the Venom and Snoopy shirt more widely known. It's really a personal relationship / belief /choice that only he can make the choice. But his ideas are definitely worth reading, studying and understanding. This is why I laugh at people when it comes to politics or religion. It’s just arguing back and forth for centuries with no clear answer. If you live with love and compassion your good either way. We will only truly know on judgement day. When your number is called and you have to answer for your actions. Get it:  Venom and Snoopy shirt From:

Snoopy for unto you is born this day in the city of david a saviour which is Christ the lord shirt

I'm a Christian, but that gives me no greater authority to judge another man. If you are a true Christian, you love others and leave judgement to God. Stephen Hawking was a great man, highly respect and extremely intelligent. Much respect to him. I think the Snoopy for unto you is born this day in the city of david a saviour which is Christ the lord shirt of Creation and the beginnings of the Universe can coexist with religion. The fact is that we are the result of chemical composition that Man has been able to breakdown to the smallest cells. That the Ether is the substance that the heavens are made of and that it's mentioned in every book written by men dare I say including the Holy Scriptures. Get it:  Snoopy for unto you is born this day in the city of david a saviour which is Christ the lord shirt From:

I survived the WKRP thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway at the pinedale shopping mall shirt

There's a part of humanity that scientists can't explain, it's elusiveness is hidden but shines thru in moments when Men accomplishes the greatest miracles despite what Medicine says. And that is the Soul. God made us complete. So that the I survived the WKRP thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway at the pinedale shopping mall shirt could achieve what the body could not. Amen. So what's the deal I see people in here talking about how they despise Stephen Hawkins and this and that I don't know the reason so my question is why? My guess is is it none of you folks that are talking bad about him never met him! I've never met him. Is it because it was said that he didn't believe in Heaven or Hell? Get it:  I survived the WKRP thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway at the pinedale shopping mall shirt From:

Ballet Dance Swan The Last Jete Wars Shirt

Basically every genius scientist in the world doesn't believe in God. Religion is a block for progress in the greatest minds. You can never truly be one of the Ballet Dance Swan The Last Jete Wars Shirt people being religious. Stephen Hawking is a prime example. And I don't care what people believe honestly but there's a reasons the brightest minds on earth Don't follow a reigious code. They have evolved mentally past the need for believing in higher power. There is a God, and he died for our sins, because if he did not, we will not have hope of the eternal life. Believe in Jesus, believe that He died for you, repent of your sins and ask him to be your Lord and Savior..just try this if you don't believe what I'm telling you. Just for a day, pray and give Jesus a chance to be your Savior and ask him to work a miracle in your life. Get it:  Ballet Dance Swan The Last Jete Wars Shirt From:

Snoopy x Marvel The Peanuts Avengers shirt

Do any of you nonbelievers believe that dinosaurs once roamed the earth? Were you there? Did you see them? --or, did you just read some science book that said they were here? Christians have seen proof of God's existence! God will not hear the S noopy x Marvel The Peanuts Avengers shirt of a nonbeliever unless it is the first prayer for redemption of your sins and souls! If God's book is full of lies, then explain to me the founding of the Ramses exhibit, the Scrolls, the Shroud, the Holy Griale, and the Ark that have been proven to have been Christ's. Science proved they were real. Get it: S noopy x Marvel The Peanuts Avengers shirt From:

Choose to keep going sunflower semicolon shirt, hoodie, sweater and long sleeve

A changed state of energy, energy can not be created nor destroyed, simply transformed. The interpretation can be infinitely translated across space and time. We are bestowed with light of existence. Have gratitude in even the Choose to keep going sunflower semicolon shirt, hoodie, sweater and long sleeve of God, whether you believe or not. According to my principle here, and also speaking the mind of God, late Stephen Hawkins new nothing about God. He was just opportuned to say a bit about the earth which lots of scientist to come are yet to contribute their own quota. "As far as the heaven is to the earth, so as God's ways are not our ways". Let's consider the numbers of discovered and undiscovered planets in the universe, which late Stephen Hawkins just operated in one. Get it:  Choose to keep going sunflower semicolon shirt From:

Winnie The Pooh Christmas Tree Ugly Christmas Sweater

Only an extraordinarily gifted and highly curious genius, could have survived those years of apparent loneliness, within his mind. To those, too purposefully ignorant, I ignore, rather than engage with you. We've lost, if not the greatest, certainly one of the Winnie The Pooh Christmas Tree Ugly Christmas Sweater theoretical physicist/cosmologists ever. As doctor Hawking would have told you himself, the reason he survived is that his form of ALS was rare and 'fortunately' not as severe as they originally anticipated. In addition he had tens of thousands of pounds in equipment and round the clock staff keeping him going, which other people never have. God, whoever said that, certainly was not required at his 'party'. He never insulted religion nor God, he merely said that the existence of God is not necessary, to explain the universe as it is. I happen to agree with him 100%. Get it:  Winnie The Pooh Christmas Tree Ugly Christmas Sweater From: https://homieshirt...

Only 0,0002% of the world has ehlers danlos syndrome so I’m basically a Majestic Unicorn shirt

But for those four days, not just three because it spilled over until that Monday. We weathered a storm that we could not just walk out of, we bonded together and helped each other out and shared what we had with our brothers and sisters that we did not know, but knew they had a need at that moment. We were Woodstock strong! I still have the Only 0,0002% of the world has ehlers danlos syndrome so I’m basically a Majestic Unicorn shirt beliefs after 49 year. Do I still do drugs? No. I am a Real Estate Broker/ Associate. I am married to my husband for 44 years. I’ve raised my three children and have three grandchildren. And I will continue to believe in peace and love. Some still call me an old hippie. Get it:  Only 0,0002% of the world has ehlers danlos syndrome so I’m basically a Majestic Unicorn shirt From:

All I want for Christmas is Wine watching Last Man Standing and hug my dog shirt

I love people and try to understand where they are coming from. I have a heart for children and animals. I am still against war. Free love does not mean free sex. It means loving others for who they are not what they have. We comforted each other when the All I want for Christmas is Wine watching Last Man Standing and hug my dog shirt war was also trying to divide our country. The draft had many a young man marching off to fight in a war they didn’t want to be apart of it but our country said go and they went. Our country was in turmoil then. Get it:  All I want for Christmas is Wine watching Last Man Standing and hug my dog shirt From:

Freddie Mercury God save the queen shirt

 I was there! I am the young girl in the Freddie Mercury God save the queen shirt edition of Life Magazine back in 1969 holding a wine bottle. I was 16 then and I am 65 now. It was not all about us. During this time we cared about each other. Woodstock was not just about drugs and sex but about caring for each other. If you were not there you will not fully understand what was going on back then. We were young people with a purpose. I still am a peace loving person. Get it:  Freddie Mercury God save the queen shirt From:

I’ll kill for my daughter I’ll die for my daughter I’ll cry for my daughter I am my daughter’s keeper shirt

We got the release that was so badly needed in 1969. Woodstock made Jimi, Janis, The Who and many more artists into the I’ll kill for my daughter I’ll die for my daughter I’ll cry for my daughter I am my daughter’s keeper shirt that they became. Many are dead now, but their music and what they brought to the world, will hopefully live on. It was The BEST Show on Earth! By the way, there was No violence, No police and No criminal activity taking place. Pot was smoked, big deal. It was not laced with other chemicals the way it is now. Peace was maintained throughout the 3 day festival. Get it:  I’ll kill for my daughter I’ll die for my daughter I’ll cry for my daughter I am my daughter’s keeper shirt From:

Will trade racists for refugees shirt

So that we can bring back peace and Love in a abundance. I live in Bermuda and we felt it here,it also set the Will trade racists for refugees shirt trend here at that time. Still got my Jimmy Hendrix and Janis Joplin even Riche Haven CD's.If we could do that again we can pour so much love on our world.  picket today for patients safety, I vote for people who I think can do good for our country, I help my 93 yr old mama, I was a teenager in Nursing School in 1969 who desperately wanted to go to express myself in the power of the music. Get it:  Will trade racists for refugees shirt From:

Ursula Maleficent Evil Queen the Original mean girls shirt

My husband came home from the Vietnam War, fighting for our freedom that weekend.He was disrespected by the so called love and peace movement. The Country was divided. My husband died from complications due to Agent Orange five years ago. Let's all stand united!! They are my memories of Woodstock.  am 67yrs.and I remember it ,I throw away my bra ,it change my life I am the woman that I am today because of it.that was an amazing and magical time to be Alive. Woodstock gave strength to my fight for the Ursula Maleficent Evil Queen the Original mean girls shirt to be who I knew that I was. It broke the racial barriers down,it tore down hate. Get it:  Ursula Maleficent Evil Queen the Original mean girls shirt From:

Metal head Christmas shirt

My heart aches for this family, but at the Metal head Christmas shirt time, I feel such admiration for this mother and father who chose to donate their son's organs at his request and help so many others to live on.. Bless this family and bless all organ donors for the ultimate gift you give to others. Sad times for families but happy for those who have saved lives god bless amen rip precious people off life giving to you This young man is a Hero for giving his organs, so that others may live. Prayers and blessings to his family for there loss. That was beautiful That bullying needs to stop!! Wake up government and start doing something to make those bully start even for the youngster to. Let them know bullying is going to stop. Get it:  Metal head Christmas shirt From:

Christmas resting Grinch face shirt

im prob gonna get bashed for this but this man is 66 and over weight they should have picked a younger healther (weight wise) to give this young mans heart to Talk about instant tears. They seem to flow so freely when I saw this mother listening to her son's heart beat inside a 66 year old man. Wow. God bless this mom. And to the Christmas resting Grinch face shirt who shared the sound of her son's heart beat, You are amazing. Maybe someday I will get to see someone my son gave life back too. Love and hugs to you all.  It is a sad story to hear how a 19 year old donated his organs to the sick people who were waiting for a donner This mom , I am sure it was so difficult for her to listen her sons heart beating in a 66 years old man. This young boy was so courages to donate his organs, and save lives. What a heartache for a mother to loose her young son at the same time she found 5 sons in different people. Get it:  Christmas resting Grinch face shirt From: ht...

Baby Groot hugs Kansas City Chiefs shirt

What a precious gift to a grieving mother. She should be proud of her son for being a life-giving organ donor. Her son's life continues to have meaning through the lives of the Baby Groot hugs Kansas City Chiefs shirt his organs saved. I think its wonderful. My son was a donor .too. i actually received a letter from a recipient that received part of his spinal cord and corneas. Its great to know our loved ones could help someone else in their time of need. I hope one day i might get to meet one of the recipients,but even if I never do, I know my son would of wanted to help those other people,and that makes me very happy. This is amazing. My brother in law had the same experience only he was the one that got the heart. I was a special day. Get it:  Baby Groot hugs Kansas City Chiefs shirt From:

Deadhead You are my sunshine shirt

Such a wonderful, blessed mother. In the Deadhead You are my sunshine shirt of her loss and bereavement to think of others is something not every one can do. God speed to Daddy's family, and to everyone helped by his organs As a transplant recipient, I thank each and every family who has had a loved one pass. I was a anatomical donor but sadly, due to my ant rejection medication, I can no longer donate...but I would if I could. What a great way to send someone off to their next journey My dad was diabetic and lost his eye sight because of it BUT when he passed away they were able to use part of his eyes for some one else to see. My mother received a thank you letter several months later, it made us so happy but broke our hearts all over again as well. I love you the mostest I said it first dad. Get it:  Deadhead You are my sunshine shirt From:

You can’t scare me I’m a mother of nightmare shirt

Tears of sadness and tears of joy, tears of happiness for all that he has blessed. But tears for this family and anger as well. Rest assured bullies, and this young man's blood is on your hands! At least we know that Jesus would have received him, l truly believe this. Much love and prayers for his family. He looks like a lovely young man. Our loss.My 19 year old daughter was a donor in 2015. I was able to hear my daughters heartbeat one year later. I’m in close contact with the person who has my baby’s heart. We live in the You can’t scare me I’m a mother of nightmare shirt state. I have some peace knowing Arianna’s heart is still beating. Get it:  You can’t scare me I’m a mother of nightmare shirt From:

Grinch hand holding a glass of wine Christmas shirt

Everyone is so quick to judge a couple because they watch them 1 hour a week!! they have been through hell and back and still love each other!! I hope they fight for each other, marriage is about give and take and from what WE see Cate needs to take more. We as their fans should want them to stay together for that beautiful girl and the new baby!! Good luck Cate and Ty, Im pulling for you, marriage is tough. She needs to learn to suck it up more. Life throws you curve balls sometimes. If she can’t be there for her family. Quit popping in and out. Stay out. Buy it:  Grinch hand holding a glass of wine Christmas shirt From:

Deadpool Welcome to camp quitcherbitchin a certified happy camper area shirt

Yes they can choose the right path and break the Deadpool Welcome to camp quitcherbitchin a certified happy camper area shirt , but it’s not always that easy. However... I can’t completely feel for Butch, because regardless he still made those choices and chose drugs over his own family. He still hurt Tyler and is a good percentage of why HE is where he is today. Struggling and emotionally, mentally and psychologically. He’s a good percentage of why Tyler feels he has to carry the weight of everyone else’s issues on his shoulders and put them, their feelings, needs and wants before his own and his own happiness and well being. He’s drained on so many levels. Children aren’t supposed to grow up this fast and become the parent to their parents. I wish them all the best, but Butch is definitely a ball and chain and he’s bringing Tyler down. Buy it:  Deadpool Welcome to camp quitcherbitchin a certified happy camper area shirt From:

Scott Schrute 20 that’s what she said shirt

I have mixed feelings about Tyler’s relationship with his father, and about Butch as an individual. On the one hand, I think it’s good they’re at least trying and making an attempt (better late than never and to say you tried, rather than live the Scott Schrute 20 that’s what she said shirt of your life with regret and wondering what if..). But at the same time, how many chances has Butch had? How many times has Tyler forgiven him and gone out of his way, the lengths he’s gone through.. only to be let down again and again repeatedly. How many promises has Butch made & broken? And when it comes to him as an individual, I feel for him because after hearing what his own childhood was like.. it’s perfectly understandable to see how he got to this point in his life. It’s no excuse, but it definitely explains a lot. Buy it:  Scott Schrute 20 that’s what she said shirt From:

You smell like drama and a headache please get away from me shirt

I hope she is doing Marriage Counseling because another child is not going to fix anything in this relationship if anything another child is added responsibility and stress for an already stressed situation its a lot for a rock solid relationship no judgement here just think this could be the thing that pushes the relationship over the Y ou smell like drama and a headache please get away from me shirt I love how she was trying to talk to him and he ignored her finally he should show her she can’t get away with everything she wants all the time I love cold Tyler ! Lol you can tell he’s so over it things will get worse between them when the second baby comes along he will realise how lazy she is. Buy it:  You smell like drama and a headache please get away from me shirt From:

I am a lucky man I have a freaking Gorgeous wife she was born in May she’s a bit crazy and scares me sometimes shirt

I understand catelynn has depression and aniexty but I'm sure Tyler is going through it too everything with his dad,wife and taking care of nova when she getting help sometimes her attitude is bad bout things, whole situation I prwt for them they get through this trial. And I hope and pray butch, is better I don't get why so many people don't get why she went with to see Butch and be there for everything. He was her step father for years, her father in law, and he treated her very horribly after Carly. Maybe he asked for her to be there to acknowledge how he treated her during that very difficult time... it's really not that crazy she'd go given their family dynamic. Anyway, I hope Butch makes it this time.. I don't watch much anymore, but I've always thought he seemed like a genuinely good guy with a really terrible addiction and was rooting for him even more than the I am a lucky man I have a freaking Gorgeous wife she was born in May she’s a bit crazy and...

Good girl go to heaven November girls ride with dom shirt

Tyler is extremely patient and he’s actually gone to counseling to figure out how to be more supportive and understanding. What phrases were best when talking about certain issues. Tyler has gone above and beyond to make sure his wife is taken care of. But when Tyler says he needs marriage counseling, or for her to watch some episodes to get some insight or the Good girl go to heaven November girls ride with dom shirt do the exercises his therapist gave him for them to do until they go to counseling she said no. Are you kidding me? And I understand she’s family but she doesn’t need to be going with Tyler. Maybe go as support but stay at the hotel while him and his sister go to the center. I just don’t get it. I really try to empathize with her cuz mental illness is a bitch but if you’re not putting 110% effort into getting better, then why should anyone bend over backwards to help. Buy it:  Good girl go to heaven November girls ride with dom shirt From:

Same crime life 15 years probation paid administrative leave shirt

And will always encourage getting/seeking help. But she has a daughter and another kid on the way. She can’t just run to inpatient every time life gets rough. Go to outpatient, stop smoking pot, actually go to your therapy appointments instead of skipping when you’re having a better week. Even when she was at inpatient this last time, we found out that she wasn’t putting the Same crime life 15 years probation paid administrative leave shirt . She skipped group to watch a movie. Kinda makes me wonder if she’s just using that as a little vacation away from her life. Buy it:  Same crime life 15 years probation paid administrative leave shirt From: