But for those four days, not just three because it spilled over until that Monday. We weathered a storm that we could not just walk out of, we bonded together and helped each other out and shared what we had with our brothers and sisters that we did not know, but knew they had a need at that moment. We were Woodstock strong! I still have the Only 0,0002% of the world has ehlers danlos syndrome so I’m basically a Majestic Unicorn shirt beliefs after 49 year. Do I still do drugs? No. I am a Real Estate Broker/ Associate. I am married to my husband for 44 years. I’ve raised my three children and have three grandchildren. And I will continue to believe in peace and love. Some still call me an old hippie.

Get it: Only 0,0002% of the world has ehlers danlos syndrome so I’m basically a Majestic Unicorn shirt
From: https://homieshirt.com/

Get it: Only 0,0002% of the world has ehlers danlos syndrome so I’m basically a Majestic Unicorn shirt
From: https://homieshirt.com/
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