Basically every genius scientist in the world doesn't believe in God. Religion is a block for progress in the greatest minds. You can never truly be one of the Ballet Dance Swan The Last Jete Wars Shirt people being religious. Stephen Hawking is a prime example. And I don't care what people believe honestly but there's a reasons the brightest minds on earth Don't follow a reigious code. They have evolved mentally past the need for believing in higher power. There is a God, and he died for our sins, because if he did not, we will not have hope of the eternal life. Believe in Jesus, believe that He died for you, repent of your sins and ask him to be your Lord and Savior..just try this if you don't believe what I'm telling you. Just for a day, pray and give Jesus a chance to be your Savior and ask him to work a miracle in your life.

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