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Michael Myers social distancing and wear a mask in public since 1978 Halloween shirt

 Fradin suspects that we’ll start to see younger individuals enrolled in studies soon and, if they go well, vaccines will be recommended for those age groups. “While some parents may be disappointed their children can’t be vaccinated sooner, I would remind them children haven’t been prioritized because they are at lower risk for serious complications from coronavirus,” she explains. Despite that, Fradin imagines it will be recommended to prevent rare complications and to reduce community spread. And Fradin is eager to debunk the concern among parents of the MIS-C immune complication of coronavirus in children who are vaccinated. “Adults have also had a similar syndrome under age 40 referred to as MIS-A and, despite observation for more than two months, we haven’t seen this occur in any of the adults who have been vaccinated or the small number of teens,” she says. It remains unclear what age will be selected as the youngest for administration of the vaccine, but, besides hepatitis B, most vaccines aren’t ever even offered to infants under two months. “Since newborns are at higher risk for bacterial illness, it can be difficult to sort fever requiring a workup from fever due to the vaccine,” says Fradin. “But if mothers are vaccinated or immune, the antibodies shared through the placenta will provide partial protection to the infant up to six months of age in addition to antibodies shared by breastfeeding.” Even with children who are older, the cocooning effect of vaccinated parents and caregivers offers some insulation against the virus. Though, as Fradin points out, older children also tend to be in contact (through school, activities, etc.) with more children who may not be able to be vaccinated yet. Protection increases with the number of people around them who are vaccinated, adds Fradin. “Cocooning is more dependent on vaccine uptake amongst all the adults in a community.”

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