Well done Chloe! What a brilliant thing to do, smears are so important, and I bet there are plenty of women that will see this and realise it’s not as scary as it seems. this is not anything new, it is not a great thing for any lady to go through, it saved my life, I cannot understand why young ladies will not have this done, I was 35 years old with two lovely children, get it done mine was less that 2 years. How is it attention seeking wish someone had have done that years ago i was over due mine by 12 years because i kept putting it off if i knew thats all it was id have had it done years ago i was lucky and I found out that I have these cell changes due to contracting the HPV virus most likely from my partner men can also suffer from the same strain a woman does. All I see are these campaigns pressuring women to be tested, going so far as to use this woman as an example of why it’s “not a big deal”... try putting someone with CPTSD on the table and see how she reacts.

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