Everything’s back to normal on the islands now, just had a post from the diving centers. Everything’s so exaggerated back home. Ferries are back on and it’s diving as usual used to work at Dyson many moons ago. The legendary quote that was whispered within those purple walls from JD went as follows ‘once I was so poor I had to dig my own swimming pool any leave voter who cherished james as a man of the people with Britain’s interests at heart has and always been deluded! More accurately, the headline should be 'Dyson moves 2 people to Singapore'. It's a non - story with a headline designed to make readers jump to conclusions. Why is anyone surprised at this? He decided to move manufacture of his vacuum cleaners out of the UK a while ago, it makes logical sense he's moving the admin too.

Buy it: Cats make me happy humans make my head hurt shirt
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Buy it: Cats make me happy humans make my head hurt shirt
From: https://homieshirt.com/
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