I’m gonna give the benefit of doubt that the other group was just as bad ....maybe I should say it was good people on both sides but what I don’t understand is why you people look for excuses for theses kids action and not let them take responsibility for THEIR INDIVIDUAL ACTION and no I’m not talking about punching kids or anything that silly but parent really need to start parenting because no matter what the other kids did I see what these kids did this man is what suppose to be what America is all about he FAUGHT for this country and its freedom to be heckled by the same people he risk his life defending how sad When I am in a public place and some dude walks up to me playing a drum and singing, I get out of his way. Not standing there with a shit eating grin on my face. So the guy walks up and gets in the kids face and everyone's response is "Why didn't he just move aside? It's disrespectful to do that to an elder Are y'all kidding me The old man is lucky it didn't turn into something violent. He was trying to get a response from the kids and when he didn't get it.... The media found a way to twist it anyway.

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