They look very little alike. It’s typical White government thinking every minority looks the same and keeping the school to prison pipeline open and the 4th amendment under wraps for the war on drugs. These two men look completely different. Totally different. The "beard" may be the same, but everything else is different. I think laziness ensued with this poor guy. Let me see 17 years in jail for robbery and a man in Utah that sexual abuse disable kids got 10 years! I’m really confuse now with the system Not enough by a long shot. My daughter just asked me how I feel about the death penalty, and I’m against it for this exact reason. There are many innocent people on death row. That is the problem with eyewitnesses and bias. People from different ethnic groups tend to not be able to distinguish between persons of other ethnic groups. To me, those men do not look alike. And I would probably not get them mixed up.

Buy it: Charlie Brown be you the world will adjust shirt

Buy it: Charlie Brown be you the world will adjust shirt
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