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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 12, 2018

The final tour ever Kiss end of the road world tour shirt

I don't feel sad because I feel she enjoyed her life appreciating art and sharing her love of art with others. God blessed her with many years and she was a blessing to others! Sister Wendy may you find the joy of Jesus and art in heaven. You were such a natural art lover - God speed your journey to the amazing things you will now see I loved the language she used to describe art, especially the emotions she ascribed to the subjects in the paintings. She was so insightful and caring.sis wendy had an exceptional analytical mind and a populist ability of explaining, to none experts like me, complex imagery/hidden messages displayed but hidden in plan sight in works of art. Get it:  The final tour ever Kiss end of the road world tour shirt Buy it:

Coors Light Bud Light Michelob Ultra Beer shirt

 Amazing how such a quiet soul can make a loud sound in your mind. I first watched her presentation during the end of another show’s episode, thought it weird but continued to watch after which I was hooked on her. She will be missed. The first thing I remember her saying, about the caves at Lescaux, was “Art changed buy it doesn’t get better.” He last interview was in a magazine my daughter edits: “Women Artists. big on form and composition , verisimilitude etc. but when she described the subject of the painting it was always seemingly spot on and gleeful...i could.binge watch her for hours. Get it:  Coors Light Bud Light Michelob Ultra Beer shirt Buy it:

I know I am just a dog but if you feel sad I’ll be your smile Pitbull shirt

i so enjoyed her perspective and clear appreciation for all the work she sought to share with others. her openness was wonderful. I understand that her shows were unscripted. A brilliant mind and a charming personality. I have 2 of her books. So insightful and articulate.  I learned to see art through such a detailed view. She drew you into the painting from a totally unique perspective. I have been trained by Getty Institute but had not seen art so clearly. She saw God’s hand in that creativity even if erotic.  She's left a legacy of love and unpretentiousness, always enjoyed listening to her. Gone to meet the maker whose existence she took for a given and at the heart of creativity. Get it:  I know I am just a dog but if you feel sad I’ll be your smile Pitbull shirt Buy it:

Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose Janis Joplin shirt

The world has lost an excellent art educator. She managed to display a high level of insight and learning without being remotely condescending- that's a very rare combination. She was a treasure. She demonstrated spiritually, knowledge , and intellectual vigor in an enlightened woman. I hope the whole world will know and remember Sister Wendy. My students begin, as I did years ago, a realization of art to be appreciated and loved because of Sister Wendy. Her Story of Painting cannot be surpassed. We will continue to revel in her knowledge and presentation of the art we come to know and admire. RIP and Godspeed, Sister Wendy. You will live on in my classroom. Get it:  Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose Janis Joplin shirt Buy it:

In case of accident my blood type is Budweiser shirt

 I agree Kevin Carter but I have to say I think it would be a mistake because it will give enemies time to revive and regroup like what happened in Iraq. We should still keep a presence for a time to be determined by countries involved to decide everything is controlled and the country can start to develop a sound recourse. You just got to love all these comments about how this helps Russia, as if we want to be in proxy wars with them for decades on end.  Her description of the artists and their work is always amazing, tender, sympathetic, intelligent and real. I use it for conversation starters for my ESL clients. Everyone has something to say about a work of art. Her comments were pure gold. Blessings, dear Sister. Get it:  In case of accident my blood type is Budweiser shirt Buy it:

All in all he’s just another prick with no wall Trump shirt

 I have thoroughly indoctrinated my boys. They love Avengers and Star Wars because I introduced them to it. They love LotR, Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy, and Harry Potter because of we showed them how awesome they were while they were young. I introduced them to Minecraft and have used it to teach numerous things to them.  And thankfully I don’t have noisy boys and they do their roughhousing on the trampoline. While beating each other with cut in half pool noodles (pool noodles don’t hurt much and it gets some energy and intensity out of their system. Buy it:  All in all he’s just another prick with no wall Trump shirt From:

You may say I’m a dreamer but I’m not the only one imagine hippie shirt

 I’m a mom of 2 boys and hope and try to raise them like the last sentence in this post. Exactly as I would raise a girl. Still, there are always sexist thoughts and habits that I perpetuate, as much as I try to free myself from them.. like my boys, I’m a work in progress. You are shocked to find that you actually have a favorite Avenger even though 5 years ago, you couldn’t have named a single one" lol. Speaking of not perpetuating stereotypes, how about we remember Star Wars and Marvel are for girls too. Buy it:  You may say I’m a dreamer but I’m not the only one imagine hippie shirt From:

Lonesome Dove Augustus Gus Mccrae Robert Duvall Woodrow Call Tommy Lee Jones shirt

I was a tomboy as a girl. I was a gamer since age 6. I’m 42 now. I taught my boys how to throw a football. Baseball. Basketball etc. I got them into playing video games, I encouraged them to play with hot wheels and matchbox cars because so did I. Having sons for me was so rewarding because I could pass on my own passions I had as child even being a girl. We fished, we camped, we shot guns. I took them to their sports and practiced with them. I was their Cub Scout den leader when it was all men with their sons. all in all looking back I fulfilled their dad role because my now ex husband didn’t. My boys are well rounded now I love them with all my heart and wouldn’t change a thing. Buy it:  Lonesome Dove Augustus Gus Mccrae Robert Duvall Woodrow Call Tommy Lee Jones shirt From:

Don’t piss off old people the older we get the less life in prison is a deterrent shirt

When my then-9-year-old got hit by a pitch not once, but twice in one game I had to hold myself on the bench so I wouldn't run onto the field. I'm still not sure if the tears in my eyes were because I felt his pain, or because by sitting still it allowed his teammates to carry him off the field and place him in my lap. It was both a horrific and beautiful moment to see him hurt, but also see his friends treat him so tenderly. Boys can be so amazing when we let them. The biggest difference i see in raising my son and daughter is the clothing selection. Why the fuck is there 3 small racks of ugly boy stuff but rows and rows and whole sections for girls? And its all monsters, cars, sports, or superheros for boys. Thats it. Same boring colors and designs in every size (if youre lucky they have your kids size). But girls get animals, superheros, patterns, plain, cartoon, unicorns, all this other stuff and the variety is almost overwhelming. Buy it:  Don’t piss off old people the...

NFC east Champions 2018 shirt

 I’m sorry. I tried to read this but saying that being a boy mum means you’ll finally watch Star Wars or Marvel movies? Speak for yourself, Apparently, we like to get upset without reading the whole article because at the bottom it says "And of course, as a mom, you know that all of these things could also be true of daughters. And even if it didn't, stfu and go write your own article about how raising whatever gender you were blessed with changed you instead of complaining about how this one was written. My sons have no interest in superheroes, Minecraft or Star Wars, but the little girls they play with are. This essay is just a long list of gender stereotypes and one of the reasons they continue to be reinforced by parents. Buy it:  NFC east Champions 2018 shirt From:

You think I’m weak I think you’re wrong Matchbox Twenty shirt

Being a mom of boys teaches you to hold your breath and close your eyes and save your “be careful”s for the really important times. It does apply to all moms but honestly, ive been a girl my whole life and only when I had boys did I have to start understanding the ins and outs of being a boy too.  Sit down moms of girls, this wasn't written as a slight towards you so relax and don't get tout panties in a twist Being a mom of boys makes you realize again and again and again just how much all the stereotypes about boys and girls are total bullshit. You worry about a world that will try to shape them into something other than who they are. sorry but the irony is tickling me. Buy it:  You think I’m weak I think you’re wrong Matchbox Twenty shirt From:

Everyone needs a Funtie because Funties are much more fun than parents shirt

Boy mum here, and it's all true. The reason boy mums find it all so strange compared to girl mums is that we have never been boys and find them fascinating. We have been girls and aren't so shocked by their actions and feelings as they are more familiar. I have brothers and lots of male friends, I'm not remotely girly but I still had a lot to learn about being a boy when raising 3 sons. If you look at girl dads you find them equally amazed and changed by the experience. The joys of parenthood Speak for yourself on the Star Wars and avengers front! My kid is going to know about them because of me, not the other way around! Buy it:  Everyone needs a Funtie because Funties are much more fun than parents shirt From:

Club Dub Chicago Bears shirt

 I was ready to like this article until I read it. I was already into most of those things before my boy. But now that I have a boy, I do see how much different they are. I do feel my bond with my sweet boy is different than it is with my girls. Although we don't subscribe to the typical gender roles in this house so our oldest two girls already did all those things. BUT he is only 9 months and I already have to keep his hands off his balls when I change his diaper so that will probably only get worse as he gets older. This article is absolutely useless, except for the part of “man up” and it can be our daughters as well. Your article is full of stereotypes of what boys like. Buy it:  Club Dub Chicago Bears shirt From:

In a world where you can be anything be kind Totoro shirt

What I like about this article is , and I am sure how it was intended, is that as a mom in general you can relate to something and chuckle. Not all is true for me sure. But I am not going to nit pick. Some relates more to my daughter. I must have done something right though. My children now all grown are amazing wonderful people. What I love now is watching them with their own children, and getting to re experience These things. Star Wars , sports knee scrapes bring back wonderful memories Mom of a girl here. I have loved Star Wars, Marvel comics/MCU, and all the nerd stuff since I was a kid. My daughter loves them because I love them. Boy or girl really doesn’t matter anymore. Buy it:  In a world where you can be anything be kind Totoro shirt From:

Never underestimate an old man who flew in Huey shirt

So many clueless America haters on this post. How do you go through life so miserable? Your supposed to go through a port or other legal means of seeking asylum. Not walk across the border in the middle of the night and seek asylum if you get caught. Most US citizens just want things done legally. Doesn't make any of us racist or bigots. the Supreme Court ruled that immigrants can break the law by coming across the border anyway they want to and still put in a claim for asylum? Maybe it's time for the Justices to read our immigration laws before making their decision. Buy it:  Never underestimate an old man who flew in Huey shirt From:

Real men smell like diesel and cow crap shirt

Make sure to provide them every persons address thats in the supreme court so they can fund them a place to sleep, food Move them all in here, and when you're wife or children get raped, killed or something else bad happens from one of them doing something like this, Im just going to laugh my ass off about it. It's the law here if one puts in danger of a child if that person willingly knows that it might happen like people get arrested for child endangerment here. So if the supreme court cannot be in unison, how is it they are impartial and voting to support the Constitution. There should never be a tie or lopsided vote in the Supreme court if they do what they are supposed to. Buy it:  Real men smell like diesel and cow crap shirt From:

Sunflower and Horse You are my sunshine shirt

Well, that’s a shame. We need Ruth to retire and already so we don’t have anymore of these decisions that seriously compromise the foundation and safety of this nation. Once we get another Constitutionalist in the Supreme Court, that’ll be enough to sway the middle to avoid the random Roberts liberal vote. This country is a disaster, billions spent on people who aren't legally allowed to be here, and we might have to approve Asylum for those who came illegally. We have no rule of law. Of course they did !they will fight him on everything and even put us at risk if need b as they live behind locked gates and security systems. Buy it:  Sunflower and Horse You are my sunshine shirt From:

Elephant Oh give me the beat and free my soul I wanna get lost in your Rock and Roll and drift away shirt

So basically the court saying if 150,000 of them come we have to grant them all asylum or at least given court hearings and the people pay for unlimited numbers whether you like it or not Just let everyone in, who cares about the people already here! What is wrong with people! If Obama had done anything like this it would have been passed. Crazy that they are doing this just because they don’t like our president! Not how this country should be run! Roberts a traitor so many people hurt bcause of his stupid ruling on obamacare and now more will suffer with this ruling Where do these "asylum seekers" get the money to afford lawyers to represent them if they are leaving a country that was so bad? How broke are they. Buy it:  Elephant Oh give me the beat and free my soul I wanna get lost in your Rock and Roll and drift away shirt From:

I hate animal Abuse shirt

All of a sudden everyone began with their racist comments but didnt they all celebrated cinco d mayo or their kids at school I never thought that I would ever see the United States of America destroyed from within by it's own damn people, but here we are.  I guess the only way he can enforce is to not let him over in the first place. That means military force armed with loaded weapons willing to shoot to protect our borders and The Invasion we are enduring Your house is better than mine the judges say that the Laws can’t be enforced and you can no longer close your gate or lock your doors. I go to your house and start eating your groceries, sleeping in your bed and say if you don’t like it you can’t make me leave. Is that how it works. Buy it:  I hate animal Abuse shirt From:

Pluto never forget 1930 – 2006 shirt

True story long time ago my son was in jail. A man rob and beat the cashier he was caught.when they put him in the line up so she could identified they put my son in the line up she pick my son as the one who rob her. Of course they had to let the real robber go. Eye witness not always right The system don't care if your innocent as long as they pin it on someone. Anyone. That's the United States Justice sytem for yah folks smdh . I feel so bad for folks who are innocent doing real time in prison. That’s not enough compensation for wrongfully taking away 17 yrs of a person’s life, (plus the added hell of whatever life was actually like for him in prison). The whole thing has been a miscarriage of justice from beginning to end. Buy it:  Pluto never forget 1930 – 2006 shirt From:

Farming the art of losing money while working shirt

 I don’t think they look anything alike! He should have gotten 17 million. One million for every year he served as an innocent man!! God bless him and I hope he can have some happiness in his life to a racist society, these two looks alike. To any sane human being they have no resemblance. This is racist America at its best. The prison, like the police, is a weapon against black people. DisgustingThey look almost nothing alike to me except their hair and facial hair but even if they wee identical if he had a solid alibi and was at a party I don’t get how this could have happened. What a tragedy. Im glad he is getting some money but I wish it was more. Buy it:  Farming the art of losing money while working shirt From:

No tired like Nurse tired cat shirt

Don't let this distract you from the fact that if you or your loved one have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma, you may be entitled to financial compensation. The license plate could clearly identity the suspect without any face analysis lots of people spent decades in prison some of them executed just because someone said « this is the face i saw Folks be breaking they backs saying respect our justice system but how can we respect a justice system that doesn’t trust or believe us  That is not nearly enough. They took some of the best years of his life. He should get 10× that amount, and even that would be lowballing. Buy it:  No tired like Nurse tired cat shirt From:

Charlie Brown be you the world will adjust shirt

They look very little alike. It’s typical White government thinking every minority looks the same and keeping the school to prison pipeline open and the 4th amendment under wraps for the war on drugs. These two men look completely different. Totally different. The "beard" may be the same, but everything else is different. I think laziness ensued with this poor guy.  Let me see 17 years in jail for robbery and a man in Utah that sexual abuse disable kids got 10 years! I’m really confuse now with the system Not enough by a long shot. My daughter just asked me how I feel about the death penalty, and I’m against it for this exact reason. There are many innocent people on death row. That is the problem with eyewitnesses and bias. People from different ethnic groups tend to not be able to distinguish between persons of other ethnic groups. To me, those men do not look alike. And I would probably not get them mixed up. Buy it:  Charlie Brown be you the world wi...

Grinch and Max In a world where you can be anything be kind shirt

My heart aches for my two Beautiful grandchildren who lost their mommy 2yrs and 4mo. ago. I only wish I had them with me. I think of our mother every time I make her, "Nut Goodie Fudge" at Christmas. The recipe is still in her handwriting and I used it yesterday. Yes I miss my Mom but I know where she is A better place. I can not ask for her back with aches and pains. Enjoy Christmas in Heaven Mom. You left us Great memories Wish you could be here for Christmas, but I know you will have the best Christmas of all!! Love and miss you mom. Miss my daddy, too!! Love you, daddy My mom passed away July of this year so my Thanksgiving and Christmas is so hard I miss her so much. Buy it:  Grinch and Max In a world where you can be anything be kind shirt From:

Frida Kahlo shirt

I miss you Mum and Dad but happy to know you are in heaven, no more aches and pains free at last.  I wish my mom dad and my sweet husband could all be here with us for Christmas i miss y'all so much u will never be forgotten y'all are placed in my heart in a special place there u will be forever and ever till we meet again someday My mom will be gone 2 years on December 29. She loved Christmas so much! I know she is in heaven with my grandson Rene.  its been very hars bith parents gone, my dad recently didnt see me much unfortunately. Thinking of all who lost loved ones this holiday season! Buy it:  Frida Kahlo shirt From:

Santa Claus isn’t coming Jesus Christ is shirt

As i sit here looking at the tree i put up for mama i can hear her keep saying oh its so beautiful.this is her favorite time of year.i miss and love you so much.i hope you celebrate christmas with your sister and all your special freinds.merry christmas you. Merry Christmas mom I love you and please take care of you granddaughter who just arrived in heaven. Tell her I miss and love her My precious Moma passed away August 14th if this year. Although, I know she will have the best Christmas ever with Jesus, her mom, little brother and Uncle John I miss her so very bad and my heart is breaking. Buy it:  Santa Claus isn’t coming Jesus Christ is shirt From: