I cried more the second time I viewed it than the first time. This is just so precious.
We need to all mentally come together on this very special day for this little girl. Would you rather be out looking for a little child that has been in foster care and is now missing? STOP!
How do we take something so good and turn it into bad? With all of the shootings, killings and deaths, we just need to embrace happiness. Felicia Wrethldy Reed I can't tell you how much I love your comment. I was sceolling through my newsfeed one day a few weeks ago and someone captioned, "white people need to stop adopting black kids! With a bunch of angry face emojis" it was a post of a white family adopting a black girl, and was showing her nothing but love. It infuriated me that sooo many people were argeeing with her. Love is love, and they were giving this girl a better life than she would have within the system. I personally wouldnt care what race the adopting family was nor the race of the child...as long as they were willing to give that child a loving and caring home and a better life that's all that matters in my eyes.

Buy it: All I want for Christmas is you Harrison Bader shirt
From: https://homieshirt.com/
We need to all mentally come together on this very special day for this little girl. Would you rather be out looking for a little child that has been in foster care and is now missing? STOP!
How do we take something so good and turn it into bad? With all of the shootings, killings and deaths, we just need to embrace happiness. Felicia Wrethldy Reed I can't tell you how much I love your comment. I was sceolling through my newsfeed one day a few weeks ago and someone captioned, "white people need to stop adopting black kids! With a bunch of angry face emojis" it was a post of a white family adopting a black girl, and was showing her nothing but love. It infuriated me that sooo many people were argeeing with her. Love is love, and they were giving this girl a better life than she would have within the system. I personally wouldnt care what race the adopting family was nor the race of the child...as long as they were willing to give that child a loving and caring home and a better life that's all that matters in my eyes.

Buy it: All I want for Christmas is you Harrison Bader shirt
From: https://homieshirt.com/
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